ERTS 2024
SELF 2023
Hybrid congress
SELF 2022
56ème congrès annuel de la Société d'Ergonomie de Langue Française
ECOC 2021
European Conference on Optical Communication
Palais de l'Atlantique, Bordeaux - France
1 500 delegates / Exhibition of 310 exhibitors
Solutions provided : General Coordination, Logistics, Scientific Management, Accommodation, Social Programme, Publishing, On site Coordination, Website.
SELF 2020
Cité des Sciences, Paris
Around 550 delegates
Solutions provided : General and Logistic Coordination, Scientific Management, Publishing, Exhibition, Social Events, Registrations, On site General Coordination
ERTS 2020
Embedded Real-Time Software & System Conference
Pierre Baudis Congress Center Toulouse - France
400 delegates / 40 booths
Solutions provided : Website, General Coordination, Publishing
SELF 2019
September 25 -27, 2019
Palais des congrès de Tours
550 delegates
Solutions provided : General and Logistic Coordination, Scientific Management, Publishing, Exhibition, Social Events, Registrations, On site General Coordination

Promote an event



Meet up


Get informed


Cheerfully coordinate

Learn form each other
1000 delegates
Paris, France
Solutions provided: General & Logistic Coordination, Social Events, Management of Registration, Accommodation, Management of the exhibition, On site Coordination

Plenary Session

Awards Ceremony

Palais Brongniart

Palais Brongniart

Palais Brongniart
53ème congrès de la Société d'Ergonomie de Langue Française
October, 3 - 5 2018
Bordeaux, France
Solutions provided : General and Logistic Coordination, Scientific Management, Publishing, Exhibition, Social Events, Registrations, On site General Coordination




Plenary session

Plenary session

ERTS 2018
Embedded Real-Time Software & System Conference
31 January - 3 February, 2018 Toulouse - France
500 delegates / 40 booths
Solutions provided : Website, General Coordination
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Paris - France
2 200 delegates
Solutions provided: General coordination, Exhibition, Logistical management, Marketing and communication, Accommodation, Registration, Social program, Publishing, General onsite coordination

Plenary session

Technical session

Plenary session

Conference banquet

Conference banquet

Opera singer
EUCAP 2017
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
19 - 24 March 2017, Paris - France
1 200 delegates /50 booths
Solutions provided : General Coordination, Logistics, Accommodation, Social Programme, Publishing, On site Coordination, Website.

Plenary Session

Posters Session (250 posters)

Eucap 2017

Plenary Session

Lunch break

SELF 2016
51ème congrès de la Société d'Ergonomie de Langue Française
September, 21 - 23, 2016
Palais du Pharo de Marseille - France
Solutions provided : General and Logistic Coordination, Publishing, Exhibition, Social Events, Registrations, On site General Coordination

Technical session

Technical session

Alcatel Submarine Networks
20 April 2016, dubaï
300 delegates
Solutions provided: Site inspection for venues in Dubai, Logistic Coordination, Entertainement Coordination, On site Coordination

Dubai Skyline

Dubai Skyline

ASN party 2016

ASN Party 2016

ASN Party 2016

Asn Party 2016
ERTS 2016
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems
27 - 29 January, 2016, Toulouse - France
About 600 delegates / 60 booths
Solutions provided: Website, General Coordination
SELF 2015
50ème Congrès de la Société d'Ergonomie de Langue Française
Septembrer, 23 - 25, 2015,
Paris Congress Center - France
About 500 Delegates / Exhibition of 10 booths
Solutions provided: General & Logistic Coordination, Publishing, Social Events, Management of the Exhibition
EUCNC 2015
European Conference on Networks and Communications
29 June - 2 July, 2015, Paris - France
About 500 delegates / Exhibition of 50 booths
Solutions provided: General & Logistic Coordination,Social Events, Management of Registration, Accommodation, Management of the exhibition, On site Coordination

Plenary Session

ECOC 2014
European Conference on Optical Communication
21 - 25 September, Palais des Festivals et des Congrès of Cannes - France
1 050 delegates / Exhibition of 302 exhibitors
Solutions provided : General Coordination, Logistics, Scientific Management, Accommodation, Social Programme, Publishing, On site Coordination, Website.



Plenary Session

Plenary Session

Posters session
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband
1- 3 September 2014, Paris - France
200 delegates
Solutions provided: General and Logistic Coordination, Media Partners, Accommodation, Management of Registrations, Social Events, Publishing, on site General Coordination,
ERTS 2014
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems
5 - 7 February, 2014, Toulouse - France
550 delegates / Exhibition of 52 booths
Solutions Provided: Website, General Coordination
SELF 2013
48ème congrès de la Société d'Ergonomie de Langue Française
28 - 30 August 2013, Paris - France
600 delegates/ Exhibiton of 10 booths
Solutions provided : General and Logistic Coordination, Accommodation, Management of Registrations, Social Eventsl, Publishing, On site General Coordination

Table ronde "Le Bonheur au Travail" à la Sorbonne, Paris
ICT 2013
20th International Conference on Telecommunications
6 - 8 May, 2013, Casablanca, Morocco
200 delegates
Solutions provided: General and Logistic Coordination, Accommodation, Management of Registrations, Social Events, Publishing, On site General Coordination
ASN Party 2013
Alcatel Submarine Networks
24 April, 2013, Paris - France
450 delegates
Solutions provided: Logistic Coordination, Entertainement Coordination, On site Coordination
Summer School 2012
2nd International Summer School on Cognitive Wireless Communications Highlight on Game theory
10 -13 July 2012, Paris - France
110 delegates
Solutions provided: General Coordination and logistics, Management of Registrations
Wireless Communication and Networking Conference
1- 4 April, 2012, Paris - France
1010 delegates
Solutions provided: General coordination, Identification of partners, Logistical management, Marketing and communication, Accommodation, Registration, Social program, Publishing, General onsite coordination

Plenary Session

Welcome Reception , Mairie de Paris
ERTS 2012
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems
1 - 3 February 2012, Toulouse - France
550 delegates / Exhibition of 50 booths
Solutions provided: Creation of the website, General Coordination
JNCW 2011
Cost 2100 Joint Workshop on Wireless Communications
Paris, 1-2, March, 2011 - France
125 delegates
Solutions provided:General coordination and logistics, Management of registrations
IEEE Symposium Series on Computanional Intelligence
800 delegates
Solutions provided: Identification of Sponsors and Management of Registrations
ERTS 2010
Embedded Real -Time Software and Systems
19 - 21 May, 2010, Toulouse - France
500 delegates / Exhibition of 42 booths
Solutions provided: creation of the website, Media Relations